Welcome to my new blog! This is my first post on this new blog I set up. I’m using the Hugo static site generator.

Why Hugo?

I have tried blogging twice before, but both times I failed successfully ✅. I’m hoping that this time will be different. My previous attempts were on Blogspot and Wordpress.

Blogspot is not very customizable and it’s ugly (in my opinion), but hey, I was just a kid and didn’t know much about web development back then.
On the other hand, Wordpress was a little overkill for my needs. I didn’t need a full blown CMS for a simple blog. And even though I have a VPS, I didn’t want to spend time maintaining yet another WordPress installation, plus it can get very slow when accessed from locations far away from the server.

I have been using Hugo for a while now on personal projects and some gigs, I’ve loved it since the first time I used it. It is blazing fast, easy to use, very simple and static. I don’t need to worry about security or maintenance. With Hugo I can just write my posts in markdown, push them to my git repo and let Cloudflare pages’ CI/CD do the rest. I can also use my own domain name and Cloudflare’s CDN for free.

Why am I blogging again?

I decided to start blogging again mainly because of these reasons:

  1. To document my journey as I learn new things. I have been learning a lot of new things lately, and I want to share what I learn with others.
  2. To make a better use of my domain name. I have used my domain name for a lot of things but mostly for email and self-hosted services. I want to use it for something more than that.
  3. To improve my writing skills. I’m not a native English speaker, so I want to improve my writing skills by writing more often.
  4. To write guides and tutorials. I want to write guides and tutorials about things that I create so others can use them.

One other reason is I saw my friend Nick’s blog and I finally decided to start setting up my own blog. In fact, this hello world post is a bit similar to his. You can check out his blog here. I met Nick on Telegram in the Moto G5 (cedric) community. The community is very friendly and we have a great time chatting and playing games together.

What will I write about?

I will write about things that I learn, things that I create, and things that I find interesting. I will write about programming, web development, Linux, self-hosting, and other things that I find interesting.

How often will I write?

I will try to write at least once a week but I can’t promise anything. I’m currently busy with an internship and college, so I don’t have much free time left. But I will try my best to write as often as I can.

Bye for now

That’s it for now. I hope I can keep this blog alive for a long time. See you in the next post! 👋